Effective leadership doesn't just happen. You have to happen into it!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Change : The Expected and the Unexpected Kind

Its good to be back. Have not been writing much these last few weeks due to a combination of factors. The earthquake in Taiwan which disrupted the Internet lines in the region really tested my patience as it took ages to download even a one page word document. Almost immediately after my return from Jakarta, I had the opportunity to conduct a program on one of my favourite subject matter : Effective Problem Solving & Decision Making for the good people of Maju Holdings Sdn Bhd. Immediately after that, I began to deliver my program on Personal Mastery for Maybank Fortis - MNI - Takaful Nasional. This program will go on until the 2nd week of March. So, I will try my very best to put up new stuff as much as time allows.

Conducting a program for 4 days in a stretch is extremely fulfilling as I have the opportunity to get an intimate understanding of the challenges faced by my participants who are currently undergoing a change process. I hope with the sharing and discussion that takes place in the program, the participants will be well equipped to face the challenges ahead and to capitalize on the opportunities that will surely come their way in the months and years ahead.

On a more sombre note, I feel saddened by the continuous flooding of Johor. The first round of flooding was bad enough but to have to go through it again must be heart wrenching for the people down south. In the midst of all these, there are reports of looting and other criminal activities. It is a trying period for those affected and I reckon the spillover effects on the Malaysian economy, politics and society will be greater and will become clearer in the coming months. Malaysians need to dig deep into their selves to come out of this. As I have been telling my participants in Personal Mastery : The only way to manage expected and unexpected change is by taking control of it. Anything less will be disastrous.

My prayers for the people of Johor.