Mother Malaysia, I love you.
I have a great wish for you come 2009. I want you to wake up and squash the vile viruses that are spreading in your belly.
This nation, build on a promise of equality and social justice is being attacked on all sides by insidious forces which gained their nourishment from you. Now, they seek to destroy you. This nation which promised everyone a place under the sun, is now bleeding silently while a proxy war is raging in every single national institution. This nation which providence has brought together is being shattered by the hammer of parochial thinking.
Mother Malaysia, wake up.
There is great shadow cast over you now. In the name of God, EVERYBODY is carving you into little pieces. In the name of God, man’s supposedly holy institutions are spawning beasts of hatred and suspicions. They are sowing vile and venomous thoughts in your children. Babies come home from school and tell their parents that they hate the Malays (or the Indians or the Chinese)! Parents teach their children that they are somehow superior to others because they eat different or pray different. Teachers….oh the honorable teachers….have forgotten their sacred duties. Their loving eyes are no longer colour blind. Their love is coloured with preferences and biasness. Your schools were supposed to be a bastion of love and unity. Now, they are in shambles trampled by the putrid feet of those whose only desire is to see the continuity of their hegemony.
Mother Malaysia, wake up.
Time is running out. The world is moving so fast. You have blessed your children with great health and intelligence. Now, please bestow upon them with wisdom so that they can see the vanity of their ways. You have to make them see that this is the only home they have and they have to come together and huddle to keep warm in this cold…cold…brutal world. Will they not see that they are destroying you and they are going to end up on the streets of humanity with nothing but despair and regrets?
Mother Malaysia, wake up.
Will you not silence the politicians? Who are these vulgar beasts whose every word and action seem to drive stakes of differences into our hearts? They don't speak for me Mother. They never did and never will. Those who speak for me are those who right now are caring for the aged and diseased. Those who speak for me are those who right now are feeding and cradling a child of not their colour or race. Those who speak for me are those who right now are building this nation in the corporate offices of this land without fear or favour. Those who speak for me are those who view their neighbors as their kin and think not while rushing into the fire to save others or into a crumbling cliff to give another the breath of life. They are the ones who speak for me. Not these despicable vermins of society whose only legitimacy comes every five years I want them to stop speaking so that the beautiful melodious voice of your children can rise above the din of confusing and manipulative words of treachery being spewed in the most august of arenas. I wish for the true intelligence of your children, gained from your blessings no doubt, rise above the howls of these deceitful politicians.
Wake up Mother Malaysia!
Will you not halt the march of those evil minds disguised in robes of spirituality of all colours and shapes. They are all the same. They preach not the love of God but the blind alliance to their man-made institutions with their superficial rules and regulations. They are herding your children into a filed of fiery destruction while all the while chanting the holy names for God. Will you not strike them with retribution before they poison the soul of this nation?
Wake up mother Malaysia.
Will you not breathe the sacrosanct value of balance into this land? Teach your children that there is a time for one self and there is a time for others. There is a time for one’s same kind and there is a time for the good of all. This is a time for the latter. I want my two little girls to live in a haven of fairness, brotherhood and love which this nation has the potential to be. I want them to find the balance to learn their culture and language and remember their ancestry with the desire to protect what is sacred for the longevity of this nation. I want them to look at their friends as an extension of themselves NOT as an inconvenient presence to be tolerated. I want their friends to find that balance too. I want the august institutions of this land teach that balance.
Wake up Mother Malaysia.
For I believe in you as my ancestors did.
Wake up.
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