Effective leadership doesn't just happen. You have to happen into it!

Monday, May 23, 2011

7 Ways To Lose Your Top Talents

This will be my topic of discussion o BFM 89.9 in a couple of weeks time.
As the producer said, it is indeed tongue in cheek. Nevertheless the message is serious and one that people leaders need to be aware of.
Well, lets look at the 5 ways how you can, despite all your best efforts, still lose your top talents.

1. You don't treat your top talents in a differentiated manner
2. You think only more money is required to keep them
3. You think (like your dad and granddad) that a top talent is also automatically a loyal talent (especially since you do No.2 very well)
4. You don’t give enough challenging projects because you are afraid they will burn out
5. You keep secrets during bad times because you think that the less they know the better it will be
6. You fail to see that they have 2 kinds of employment contracts with you: the legal one and the emotional one.
7. You think that a top talent will always be one no matter what happens

I will elaborate more during the show. Watch out for it on 14 June at 1pm on BFM 89.9

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