Effective leadership doesn't just happen. You have to happen into it!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hard Times Are Coming...

It was the best of times....it was the worst of times...

Today, we as a nation are on the brink of greatness. With one simple and swift movement we can quantum leap this beloved nation of ours into the holy grail of developed status . With just one quick change, we can become the catalyst for the development of this region to its fullest potential. We can become the driver. Singapore can finally take a break and enjoy the ride instead!

Whats going for us right now? Let me list that :

1. We have the infrastructure. Vietnam is the new blue-eyed boy of investors but boy, do they have a long way to go for their infrastructure to be in place. Besides, only the most ignorant of politicians and policy makers will ask us to compete against Vietnam. Why should we? Vietnam is doing what we were doing in the 70's! We have moved up the scale. And, don't even dare to compare us with Burma!

2. We have an educated work force. Forget about their inability to deliver a decent presentation. Also, forgive them of their poor command of the English language: we didn't raise a whimper when the nation's leaders sent the language into oblivion. They are however, intelligent, hard-working and hungry for success. I know as in my previous life in the academia, I came across many, many of these gems. Many of them are now in Singapore and Australia (!).

3. Our two most important cultural,psychological and historical partners India and China have awaken.They are blazing their ways into world economic superstardom. We can easily take a ride with them. We just have to leave our hang-ups behind.

4. Europe is renewing, Asia is awakening and the United States is stagnant. That is just perfect for us. Lest others forget, let me remind you guys that Malaysia has many friends in Europe, Asia and Africa. Remember the axiom 'everything being equal, people buy from friends'? Well, I think its time to test that.

5. We ARE a materialistic society. That is good you know as that is what drives the economy. We buy more, we use more, and we create more.

6. We are right smack in the flattening of the world. We have always been a bridge between the east and the west. When Europeans started to sail around the world, they flattened the world in some ways and guess where they stopped to rest and re-stock? So, we have always had a role to play in the gradual flattening of the world. We need to seek out our new roles in the latest round of world-flattening.

7. We are no.3 in business process outsourcing. We are one of the largest trading nations. We have one of the biggest maritime fleet. We have some of the most iconic structures (ask the branding guys and they will tell you how poorly we are using these to our advantage), we still have one of the largest rain forest reserves in the world, we still a substantial oil reserves ( remember how 20 years ago they said we will run out of oil in 20 years time?.

8. And finally, of course we are behind Maldives in FIFA world ranking! Hey, it could be worse...so who cares.

So with all the above what is that "...one simple and swift movement we can quantum leap this beloved nation of ours into the holy grail of developed status . With just one quick change, we can become the catalyst for the development of this region to its fullest potential."? My list would be the following; I would like to hear yours too.

1. A change in mind-set towards China, India and Africa.Don't watch too much CNN.
2. True and fair talent attraction and retention strategies.
3. De-politicization of education.
4. Political will to bring back the English language into prominence.
5. Focus on racial unity.
6. Empower institutions of higher learning.
7. Better branding of our strengths
8. Outsource our football to the Maldives!

Cheers everybody.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, good day.

would like to ask question, from what company you're currently working with.. you hve said that your 3rd in the BPO...

i too is currently working as a business process engineer.