Leaders need to convince. They need to also influence. In fact this is probably the most tiring aspect of leadership. The question is how much of it do they need to do? Note that I am not asking 'how well do they do that'!
Allow me to explain.
I am addicted to the life stories of great leaders. That includes not only corporate leaders but also those from the non-profits. Many of those whose life I follow are not those whom books are written about. Yet they are all leaders and they are all great influencers. A consultant friend of mine often says that a leader needs to do 2 things well: Build rapport and influence. These men and women I know do both extremely well. But when I look at their styles or when I feel that I have read enough about them (from multiple sources) I can usually divide them into 2 categories: Those who achieved great things by influencing others only on key issues AND those who achieved great results by influencing others on everything!
I think it must very tiring for leaders who attempt to influence everybody on everything. The results, if that is achieved must be great. However, what is the consequence on those who are influenced when this leader is no longer around? Example : Tun Mahathir and the Malaysian people?
The other group of leaders i.e. those who influence only on key issues perhaps are happy to shape the future but not put it into an iron cast. What does this do for those who are influenced? We will know when Datuk Sri Tony leaves Air Asia.
Me? I prefer to influence only on key issues. It’s more serene that way and helps to build long term capabilities in my team.